Author Archives: bobby

What does serviceability mean for batteries?

If you’re considering purchasing a solar-plus-storage system, you’re probably contemplating the “what ifs”: what if my battery isn’t performing properly? What if my battery stops working altogether? The good news is that battery technology is highly reliable, which is why it’s sometimes difficult to find answers to these questions. In this article, we’ll cover some common questions you may have about solar batteries to help you make an informed decision about including storage with your solar system. 

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Texas electric retail providers: what does it mean to have a “deregulated electricity market?”

Texas experienced a series of devastating power outages in February 2021 that some are blaming on its instability caused by its deregulated electricity market. However, proponents of deregulation say that it can help cut down on costs and improve services to customers. Given this recent discussion, we will explain what having a deregulated electricity market means, how Texas’s electric choice affects customers, and how it can impact your savings with solar. 

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