Category Archives: Community Solar

Articles & advice about community solar power, community solar gardens & shared renewable energy plants.

The Coalition for Community Solar Access: what you need to know

Going solar is a great way to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels – while saving money! But what about the almost 80 percent of Americans who aren’t able to install solar on their properties? Whether you’re a renter, have a heavily shaded roof, or don’t want to invest in a solar system, there’s an alternative solution that can still allow you to reap the benefits of solar energy: community solar. The Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA) is an organization dedicated to expanding community solar and making it more accessible across the U.S. In this article, we’ll explain the importance of this coalition and what you need to know about them.

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Arcadia Power community solar program review

Community solar provides access to solar for residential electric customers who otherwise would not be able to install solar panels on their property. To date, though, community solar has not seen the same levels of adoption as residential rooftop solar. We conducted a Q&A with Arcadia Power to learn more about how their new community solar offering helps lower barriers to participation. 

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EnergySage’s Community Solar Marketplace vs. CleanChoice Energy’s Clean Electricity: which is right for you?

While rooftop solar is a great way to lower your electric bill and support clean energy, it leaves out a key group of people: renters. According to the most recent Census Bureau data from 2019, renters encompass about 36 percent of households in the United States – and that number doesn’t include homeowners who don’t have full control over their roof because they live in a multi-family dwelling. If you fall into this category, the good news is that solutions exist for you to support clean energy, and some will even save you money. In this article, we’ll compare two alternatives to utility electricity: EnergySage’s Community Solar Marketplace (herein referred to as community solar) and CleanChoice Energy’s Clean Electricity (which we’ll call Clean Electricity). 

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The pros and cons of community solar

Community solar is an enticing option for those looking to take advantage of solar energy without installing a system on their own property. This unique type of solar project has a large central solar power plant whose energy can be shared potentially by thousands of people with either subscription or ownership plans. This flexible and consumer-friendly solar project plan is perfect for those who don’t want to install solar panels on their property, and especially those who want to reduce both their carbon footprint and their electricity bill. As with any energy choice, there are pros and cons to participating in a community solar program. In this article, we’ll dive into some of the primary benefits of community solar, as well as explaining its downsides and how best to keep them in mind as you compare community solar options.

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Low to moderate income community solar: what you need to know

For many electricity users across the country, rooftop solar panels don’t make sense – there are physical reasons (i.e. roof availability, home size), personal reasons (i.e. aesthetics), and financial reasons. Specifically for individuals who classify as “low to moderate income” (LMI), there are several reasons why community solar can be a great way to benefit from solar energy while not needing the traditional financial resources to install your own solar panels.

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Which community solar markets are heating up?

Historically, community solar has been the most popular–and most accessible–in four key states: Minnesota, Colorado, Massachusetts, and New York. But excitingly, more and more states are jumping on the community solar bandwagon, and new projects continue to pop up each year.

So, what markets are heating up for community solar? And which states can we expect to take the plunge next? 

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Boston’s new CCA program: how does it compare with community solar?

Earlier this year, Boston rolled out their new community choice electricity (CCE) program, the largest community choice aggregation (CCA), or municipal aggregation, initiative in New England. Given the availability of local community solar projects in the Greater Boston area–and given that Boston is EnergySage’s home city!–we get a lot of questions about how some of these subscription options compare to this new program. In this article, we’ll discuss the major differences and similarities between the two options.

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