Category Archives: Energy Storage

Tesla Powerwall alternatives: Generac PWRcell, LG Chem RESU, sonnen eco, Enphase IQ Battery

Now more than ever, home batteries are becoming a smart purchase either with or without a solar panel system. Batteries offer many benefits, from electricity bill savings to resiliency against grid outages and more.

One popular home battery is the Tesla Powerwall. This battery became available to the public in the mid-2010s and has seen multiple upgrades since then. But, either due to access, affordability, or personal preference, many homeowners choose to explore Tesla Powerwall alternatives. Fortunately, both established manufacturers and up-and-coming smaller players offer unique products that make them a viable Powerwall competitor. In this article, we’ll review some of today’s most popular home battery options to see how they stack up against each other, and against the highly popular Tesla Powerwall.

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How much of my house can I run on a battery–and for how long?

If you are researching a solar battery there’s one major question that you likely have: how much of your house can you power with a typical solar battery, and how long can you provide power to your home? As with most things, the short answer is an ever unsatisfying: it depends! The longer answer is a complicated one, so we’re here to help. 

We’ve split this article into two separate questions–how much and for how long–since both questions are important as you decide which battery to install, but the answers rely on different factors.

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What does serviceability mean for batteries?

If you’re considering purchasing a solar-plus-storage system, you’re probably contemplating the “what ifs”: what if my battery isn’t performing properly? What if my battery stops working altogether? The good news is that battery technology is highly reliable, which is why it’s sometimes difficult to find answers to these questions. In this article, we’ll cover some common questions you may have about solar batteries to help you make an informed decision about including storage with your solar system. 

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What is the difference between continuous and startup power?

As you compare options for energy storage systems, there are a few key technical specifications to focus on and questions to answer. How much energy can the battery store? How much of your home can the battery power, and for how long? Can the battery keep powering some or all of your home if the grid is down? And can your battery provide a momentary burst of power large enough to start up your largest appliances, like your air conditioner? 

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Tesla Powerwall: how much of my house can I run on it–and for how long?

If you’re in the market for a Tesla Powerwall, or any solar battery, your biggest question is likely, “how much of my house can I run using this battery, and for how long?” While the answer depends on a number of factors specific to your household’s energy use, we’ve outlined some steps you can take to make an estimation. 

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How long do solar batteries last?

Most people who install energy storage do so for the resiliency benefit: they’re looking specifically for backup power in the event of an emergency. That particular ability is what makes storage such an enticing purchase and an increasingly frequent pairing with solar. But the value of resiliency depends on how long you expect–or need–to run your home, leading to one main question: how long do solar batteries last? 

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PG&E power outages: what you need to know

If you live in Northern California, you’ve likely been impacted by electric power shut-offs or outages from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) over the last couple of years. As wildfires and high winds become increasingly prevalent in the state, and as the link between utility infrastructure–like transmission lines–and wildfires becomes increasingly clear, that trend is set to continue for the foreseeable future.

With that in mind, we wanted to take a step back and look at PG&E outages: why are they occurring, what does the past timeline of outages look like, and what can you expect moving forward. 

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The Panasonic EverVolt 2.0 complete review

Panasonic is one of the world’s largest battery cell manufacturers and made their foray into the energy storage industry in 2019 when they launched the original Panasonic EverVolt. In November 2021, they announced a new addition to their battery lineup: the EverVolt 2.0. While Panasonic will continue to sell models of the original EverVolt, the EverVolt 2.0 comes with new features, including a different lithium-ion battery chemistry, larger available sizes, and an outdoor rating. 

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Should I install a solar battery now, or add it later?

Energy storage is the rising star of renewable energy. And with this popularity comes an increasingly common question: should I install a battery with my solar panel system now? Or, should I wait and add one later on? In this article, we’ll dive into some of the most important factors to consider when making that decision.

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