Category Archives: Solar for Non-Profit Organizations

Articles & advice about going solar for non-profit organizations and their properties.

Q&A with CollectiveSun

As more and more homeowners and businesses go solar, it’s important that we increase the accessibility of solar financing to reach more groups of people. For example, while nonprofits aren’t able to directly benefit from the investment tax credit (ITC) or other tax based solar incentives, there are still companies that can help them maximize their solar savings. CollectiveSun is one such company – in fact, they work exclusively with nonprofits and tax exempt organizations to help make solar more financially accessible, providing a 12 percent discount on solar on projects 50 kilowatts (kW) or greater. We sat down with CollectiveSun to learn more about their company and their financial offerings.

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Solar panels for schools: how much are the costs and benefits of solar for k-12s and universities?

As solar has entered the mainstream in the past decade, corporations and institutions with massive energy bills have started to realize how much money they can save by switching to solar power. There’s already a strong case for residential rooftop solar, but you can make an even more convincing argument for solar in the commercial sector where prices are lower and overall savings can be dramatic. In this article, we’ll focus on schools and universities, explain why many educational institutions across the country are installing solar, how much solar costs for schools and detail how the process works.

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Solar for nonprofit organizations: benefits, financing, and how to get started

The number of properties with rooftop solar panels is increasing day by day, and it isn’t just homeowners who are installing solar panels to offset their own electricity bill. Businesses as small as your local general store and as large as Google have installed solar on-site to decrease overhead costs and promote corporate social responsibility. Now, nonprofit organizations are starting to explore their solar options as well.

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