The 2021 solar tax credit for businesses

The best solar incentive is the federal investment tax credit (ITC). This is true both for home- and business owners: by providing you a credit on your taxes equal to 26 percent of the cost of your solar panel system, the ITC provides a significant benefit to anyone looking to add solar. For the most part, the business solar (and storage!) ITC works nearly exactly the same way as it does for homeowners, with a few key nuances. In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about the ITC for businesses in 2021. 

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Can I still buy Panasonic solar panels? Yes–and there are no signs of that changing

In February 2021, Panasonic announced that during fiscal year 2022 (ending in March 2022), it will stop manufacturing photovoltaic (PV) modules (aka solar panels). This announcement created some confusion about Panasonic’s future role in the solar industry, causing some to wonder if the company will stop selling solar panels altogether. But this is not the case! The company stated that it will “continue to sell outsourced photovoltaic modules as it has been doing in North America.” We sat down with Panasonic to get the inside scoop on their future in the clean energy industry.

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Tesla’s shift to LFP batteries: why it matters

In 2020, Tesla announced that they would be manufacturing their Model 3 cars in China using lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, moving away from their traditional nickel-based chemistries they use in US-based car manufacturing. Tesla doubled down on their bet on iron batteries in the spring of 2021, announcing intent to use LFP batteries in their grid-scale energy storage solution: the Megapack.

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Solar leases: what you need to know

If you’re looking to lower your electricity bill without any upfront costs, there’s a good chance you’re considering a solar lease. Under the right circumstances, solar leases can be an attractive option, offering cheaper electricity with very little hassle on your end. However, there are also instances in which a solar lease could cause trouble down the line, so it’s important to do your research before signing any contract. In this article, we’ll cover the basics about solar leases–from what they are to why you may or may not want to enter one. 

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Microinverters: what you need to know

Inverters are an essential component of any solar panel system. They’re responsible for converting direct current energy (DC) generated at your solar panels into usable alternating current (AC) electricity for your home’s appliances. When it comes to choosing an inverter solution for your solar panel system, there are a few options to consider. In this article, we’ll go over one of the more popular types of inverter technologies: microinverters.

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Solar panels for sale: where to buy solar panels

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to finding the best place to buy solar panels. Where you buy your solar panels from or who you decide to contract with for installation will depend on your personal preferences, how you want to finance the system, and the type of system you want to install. In this article, we’ll evaluate several options for buying solar panel systems, including:

  • Wholesale resellers
  • Large national installation companies
  • Amazon solar kits
  • EnergySage Marketplace
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New Jersey’s new solar incentive program: SuSI

New Jersey is no stranger to solar incentives, thanks in part to having one of the most ambitious renewable portfolio standards (RPS) in the country. The clean energy targets laid out here–and more specifically, the solar carve-out portion–prompted the state to implement one of the country’s most successful solar renewable energy certificate (SREC) programs as early as 2004. 

But the incentive landscape has been shifting in New Jersey, and change is finally here; beginning in late August, the Garden State will launch its new Successor Solar Incentive (SuSI) program. Below, we’ll give an overview of the new incentive program, and discuss what it means for New Jerseyans going solar.

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SolarApp+: fast tracking solar across the United States

In July 2021, the Department of Energy (DOE) kicked off the Summer of Solar 2021–a national campaign aimed at progressing the Biden Administration’s goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 through the expansion of solar energy. While the cost of solar has continued to decrease each year in the US, delays in the solar permitting process have made it difficult for the US to achieve costs as low as some other countries, such as Australia. To kick off the Summer of Solar, the DOE launched a tool to help expedite this process: the Solar Automated Permit Processing Plus (SolarApp+).

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Are flexible solar panels right for you in 2022?

Solar panel technology is rapidly advancing every year, and new developments like flexible solar panels are constantly being released and improved upon. Compared to traditional solar panels, these panels can have a lightweight design, are able to be used for applications like charging devices and can be used independent of the electric grid. Read on to learn what flexible solar panels are, as well as how they compare to standard photovoltaic cells.

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