Tag Archives: LG Chem

Tesla Powerwall alternatives: Generac PWRcell, LG Chem RESU, sonnen eco, Enphase IQ Battery

Now more than ever, home batteries are becoming a smart purchase either with or without a solar panel system. Batteries offer many benefits, from electricity bill savings to resiliency against grid outages and more.

One popular home battery is the Tesla Powerwall. This battery became available to the public in the mid-2010s and has seen multiple upgrades since then. But, either due to access, affordability, or personal preference, many homeowners choose to explore Tesla Powerwall alternatives. Fortunately, both established manufacturers and up-and-coming smaller players offer unique products that make them a viable Powerwall competitor. In this article, we’ll review some of today’s most popular home battery options to see how they stack up against each other, and against the highly popular Tesla Powerwall.

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What is the difference between continuous and startup power?

As you compare options for energy storage systems, there are a few key technical specifications to focus on and questions to answer. How much energy can the battery store? How much of your home can the battery power, and for how long? Can the battery keep powering some or all of your home if the grid is down? And can your battery provide a momentary burst of power large enough to start up your largest appliances, like your air conditioner? 

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LG Chem RESU: the complete review

LG is a leader in the home electronics industry and manufactures some of the most popular panels featured in quotes to shoppers on the EnergySage Solar Marketplace. Outside of making some of the highest quality solar panels on the market, LG’s battery subsidiary, LG Chem, produces one of the most popular batteries in the U.S. market: the LG Chem RESU 10H battery.

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Battery warranties: what you need to know

Similar to your laptop or cell phone battery, solar batteries degrade over time: as you continue to use and charge your battery, it loses the ability to hold a charge. Fortunately, solar battery manufacturers provide warranties that guarantee the performance of a battery to a certain level. In this article, we’ll dive into what matters in a solar battery warranty, and how some of the top solar batteries – Tesla Powerwall 2, LG Chem RESU 10H, and sonnen eco – stack up.

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Comparing lithium-ion battery chemistries

Lithium-ion batteries are the most popular products used for solar electricity storage today. Within the umbrella category of lithium-ion batteries, there are several specific chemistries that battery manufacturers employ in their products. These chemistries each have their own advantages and disadvantages, as well as ideal use cases.

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Top products of SPI 2019

Last week, the EnergySage team attended Solar Power International (SPI), the industry’s leading solar conference. There were countless innovative products showcased this year – from new high-tech solar panels, to smart home gadgets, to impressive energy storage systems. SPI presents a great opportunity to learn more about new products, as well as gain insights into larger industry trends. Here are just a few product trends we observed this year in Salt Lake City:

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Q&A with LG Chem

LG Chem launched their first home battery in North America – the RESU10H – in mid-2017. In a crowded energy storage system market, LG provides an already-recognizable brand with household consumer products. EnergySage conducted a Q&A with LG Chem to better understand how debuting RESU10H aligns within their current lineup of appliances, and to learn what customers can look forward to in 2019. (Interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.)

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