Tag Archives: microinverters

What happens if your solar inverter fails?

Solar energy systems are built to last and are designed to produce solar electricity reliably for 25 years or more. In some instances, though, individual components of a solar energy system may malfunction or break altogether. If you’ve installed solar, here’s what to do if your solar inverter fails. 

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Announcing the EnergySage Buyer’s Guide

We at EnergySage are very excited to introduce to you our newest online, educational tool: the EnergySage Buyer’s Guide. Launched earlier this month, the Buyer’s Guide is a first-of-its-kind educational tool for researching and comparing different solar equipment. As a part of the product release announcement, we want to provide an explanation of what the Buyer’s Guide is, describe how you can use it, and offer some ways you might find it useful.

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Best solar inverters review: SolarEdge vs. Enphase vs. SMA vs. Tigo

If you want to maximize your solar energy system’s production, finding the best solar inverter is as important as the solar panels you choose. For an “uncomplicated” roof – one that faces south and has no gables, chimneys, or other obstructions that can cast a shadow – the best solar inverter for you may be a standard string inverter. At the same time, more than half of new residential solar installations are using module-level power electronics (MLPEs)–such as power optimizers and microinverters–to maximize electricity production on more complicated, less ideal rooftops.

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AC modules: an overview

When you’re buying a turnkey solar installation, a portion of your total cost is attributed to the labor required to set up your system. Manufacturers are constantly innovating new technology to cut down the time, labor, and costs of installations. As a result, there’s one type of solar panel that’s becoming increasingly popular throughout the solar industry: the alternating current (AC) module, or AC solar panel.

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What size solar inverter do I need?

Solar inverters are one of the most important components of a solar panel system. They’re responsible for converting direct current (DC) electricity from your solar panels to alternating current (AC) electricity to power your appliances. When it comes to designing your solar panel system, the size of your inverter will play an important role in overall electricity production. In this article, we’ll discuss what impacts solar inverter sizing.

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SolarEdge vs. Enphase: comparing warranties for leading inverter manufacturers

If you want to make sure your solar panel system is operating as efficiently as possible, you are probably considering either power optimizers or microinverters (collectively known as “module level power electronics,” or MLPEs). In the United States, SolarEdge is the leading power optimizer manufacturer, and Enphase leads the pack for microinverters.

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