Tag Archives: Panasonic

Solar Power International 2019 round-up

September means one thing in the solar industry: Solar Power International (SPI). EnergySage sent a team to this year’s version of the industry’s largest trade show in Salt Lake City, where we reconnected with old partners, met many new ones, checked in on the last year of evolution on solar, and learned about where the industry is headed over the coming quarters or even years. Here are our primary takeaways from the show.

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Comparing top solar panel brands: SunPower vs LG, Panasonic and Canadian Solar

When it comes to solar panel manufacturers, there is no shortage of options for homeowners in 2019. Solar panel technology is improving every year, and many solar panel companies offer products that boast both high conversion efficiency numbers as well as impressive long-term warranties. SunPower is the leader with regard to efficiency across the board while LG solar panels are known for top tier design and aesthetic, but companies like Canadian Solar offer much more appealing prices for their solar panels. How do the top PV manufacturers stack up? We’ll help you compare and contrast your options among the industry leaders – SunPower, Panasonic, Canadian Solar, and LG.

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U.S. solar panel manufacturers: a list of American-made solar panels

On January 22, 2018, the Trump Administration announced a 30 percent tariff on solar panels and cells imported into the United States. This announcement raised a lot of questions for solar customers on the EnergySage Solar Marketplace. One of the most popular questions: where can I find solar panels that are made in America? 

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Comparing solar warranties: SunPower vs. Canadian Solar vs. LG vs. Panasonic vs. Hyundai

When you compare your solar panel options from leading companies like SunPower, Canadian Solar, LG, and Hyundai, one of the biggest factors to consider is the solar panel warranties offered with their products. Solar panels come with two main warranties attached: the materials warranty, also known as the product warranty, and the production warranty.

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Highlights from the eighth EnergySage Solar Marketplace Intel Report™

Earlier this month, EnergySage published our eighth Solar Marketplace Intel Report™. The publicly available report provides data on the state of the solar market nationwide and at the state level, the breakdown of equipment packages quoted by solar installation companies, and additional energy interests from solar shoppers. Our key takeaways are outlined below. We welcome your analysis of this data as well!

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How do solar batteries compare? Tesla Powerwall vs. Sonnen eco vs. LG Chem RESU vs. Pika Energy Smart Harbor

NOTE: We’ve written an updated review of some of the current popular home battery products. Check it out here.

Home energy storage is a relatively new technology that’s steadily gained interest over the past few years, and it’s hard to know where to start when comparing all your options. Top solar batteries like those made by Tesla and Sonnen make it possible for homeowners and businesses to store their excess solar energy instead of sending it back to the grid, so that when the power goes out or electricity rates spike they can keep the lights on.

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New solar panels: what’s coming to market in 2019?

In today’s fast expanding solar industry, there are already hundreds of different panel models and designs available to the modern day solar shopper. A growing number of premium technology brands (think Panasonic and LG) have entered the residential solar market, leaving homeowners across the country wondering: what’s next? What new technologies can we expect for solar panels in 2019? In this article we will discuss all of the new developments with photovoltaic (PV) panels, including new  aesthetics like clear solar panels, bi-facial (double-sided) panels, efficiency improvements and solar inverter integration.

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The Most Important Warranties For Your Solar Installation

Choosing the right equipment for your solar panel system, and the right company to install it, are both crucial decisions to a successful home solar installation. Solar energy systems come with multiple warranties that apply to different parts of the installation, and trying to keep track of them all can get confusing. Here’s a simple guide to the different warranties for your solar energy system, and which ones you should really pay attention to.

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