Tag Archives: renewable energy

The Green Jobs – Green New York Program

As clean energy policies and programs begin to stack up throughout the country, one major question remains relating to how states will use any revenues collected from policies like a carbon tax. Will they use the money to incentivize growth in renewable energy, to pay for retraining for employees of the fossil fuel industry, to redistribute as a credit to all taxpayers in the state, or for some other purpose altogether? The Green Jobs – Green New York program provides a great case study for a successful, long-lived program that effectively uses the revenue from a carbon tax to further the state’s economic growth and environmental actions. 

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Renewable energy examples: five alternatives to fossil fuels

Technologies like solar and wind power are becoming more common across the globe, and are both examples of renewable energy sources. There are several ways to generate power from renewable sources. These alternatives to fossil fuels will become an even more important part of our power generation mix in the years to come.

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Economic benefits of renewable energy

As renewable energy becomes more widely adopted throughout the United States, it is worth pausing to take stock of the economic benefits associated with increased levels of solar, wind and other renewable energy resources. From providing lower cost electricity to generating reliable, local jobs and to avoiding costly externalities associated with emissions from burning fossil fuels, renewable energy is an economic boon.  

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Solar carve-outs

More than thirty states in the United States currently have renewable energy policies. Most of these goals, targets, and mandates allow for compliance from a range of different types of renewable energy technologies. In a few cases, however, states have included a technology-specific mandate as a part of their renewable energy policies. One such policy mechanism is a solar carve-out.

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