Tag Archives: rhode island

The ConnectedSolutions program: what you need to know in 2022

Interest in adding batteries to solar panel installations is increasing throughout the country at a rapid clip. In fact, there were 500% more batteries installed in 2018 than in 2017, an upward trajectory that continued into 2019 as well. However, in many states, there are very few rebates and incentives available for homeowners interested in purchasing an energy storage system. 

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What are the best cities and states for solar in 2019?

Solar energy is taking off in the US. In 2019, the solar industry will likely surpass 2 million residential rooftops with solar panels installed nationwide. Some states and cities are further along in the adoption of solar energy than others, while others are new markets poised to become leaders in future years. To breakdown the best cities and states for solar in 2019, we leveraged our own data as well as the recently released Shining Cities 2019 report from Environment America.

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National Grid solar incentives: Rhode Island’s Renewable Energy Growth program

Rhode Island’s Renewable Energy Growth (RE Growth) Program is a performance-based incentive (PBI) that offers financial benefits to National Grid customers who install solar on their home. PBIs pay owners of solar energy systems for the electricity produced by their system. PBIs help system owners recover the costs of installing a solar energy system and earn an attractive return.

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