Tag Archives: Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)

Checking in on the US solar tariffs

In February 2018, the Trump Administration’s tariffs on imported solar goods went into effect. Now, two years on, the US International Trade Commission (US ITC) just released its mid-term review of the impact of the solar tariffs. Pulling from that report, as well as a study from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and an analysis of our own data, here’s a look at how the tariffs have impacted solar shoppers and solar jobs over the last two years. 

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Solar Shines on the Hill Day 2019: Recap

This week, I had the opportunity to join the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) for their Solar Shines on the Hill Day.  The event is a great opportunity to show up in force in Washington DC in support of the solar industry, talking about how the solar jobs that exist throughout the country, and the financial and environmental benefits that home- and business-owners experience from solar in every state. Here’s a quick recap of what we spoke about and what we learned. 

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Solar Power International 2019 round-up

September means one thing in the solar industry: Solar Power International (SPI). EnergySage sent a team to this year’s version of the industry’s largest trade show in Salt Lake City, where we reconnected with old partners, met many new ones, checked in on the last year of evolution on solar, and learned about where the industry is headed over the coming quarters or even years. Here are our primary takeaways from the show.

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Looking into the future: highlights from the 2019 IREC Vision Summit

On March 6, 2019, the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) hosted their inaugural Vision Summit, a conference designed to bring industry thought leaders and policy analysts together to discuss what a clean energy future might look like and what it would take to achieve that vision. EnergySage joined these industry leaders down in Washington, DC to participate in the Summit and to engage with the question of how solar will contribute to the renewable energy transition. Here are our key takeaways from the event.

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Solar interconnection: what you need to know

There are a number of important steps along the path to installing solar: obtaining quotes, choosing your equipment, selecting an installer, and the actual installation itself. Arguably the most important step is connecting your solar energy system to the utility grid, commonly known as solar interconnection.

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SEIA lobby day roundup

The growth of the solar industry over the last ten years is in large part thanks to successful public policy and legislation at the federal, state and local levels. To engage with the hot topics in solar policy today, and to help guide the discussion of solar policy in the future, EnergySage joined the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) on Capitol Hill to talk to members of Congress about solar in the US.

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