Tag Archives: solar installers

Why did my cost to go solar increase after a site visit?

Many shoppers, especially those using EnergySage, receive all of their initial solar quotes online before ever having a company visit their property. Occasionally, we hear back from customers about instances where they received an original, online quote for one price and, after a site visit from the installation company, the price increased. What happened?

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How to review solar quotes

So you’ve got a few solar quotes from different installers, each with different pricing, equipment and savings estimates – what’s next? With all the information available, comparing solar quotes can be overwhelming, but we’re here to make it as easy as possible. If you’re sitting down to review multiple solar quotes for the first time, here are the most important questions to ask yourself, and the factors to consider as you’re evaluating one solar quote against the another:

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Solar jobs: past, present, and future

Nationally and internationally, renewable energy technologies, and solar in particular, are taking off. Cities, states and countries are reaching previously unseen levels of renewable energy growth, with some even running exclusively on renewable energy. With this boom comes significant economic investment, which in turn leads to job creation. In fact, two recent studies detailed just how many solar jobs exist: nearly a quarter million in the US alone, and nearly 4.5 million globally.

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Installing solar panels on different roof types

If you’re considering installing a residential or commercial solar panel system, you might be wondering if your roof type is appropriate for a solar installation. The good news is that solar panels can be installed on just about any roof type, but the installation process and mounting hardware might vary from material to material. In this article, we’ll explore the many types of roofs solar panels can be installed on and how each has a unique installation process.

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The best EnergySage videos of 2018

Have you ever had a question about solar, but didn’t have the time to search for an answer? Throughout 2018, we created a number of short animated videos so that you can find answers to the most common questions about solar with the quick click of a button.

We’ve covered a range of topics so far – from understanding the costs included in a solar quote to how the solar tax credit works, and much more in between. Here are just some of our favorite videos from 2018.

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How long does it take to install solar panels?

If you’re considering installing solar panels, one of your top questions may be how long it will take after signing a contract to finish your solar project. There are a number of factors that determine this timeline – in this article, we’ll discuss those factors, as well as the average estimated timeframes for a solar panel installation from start to finish.

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