Tag Archives: solar panel payback period

How to calculate solar panel payback period (ROI)

The financial benefits of going solar are now well documented. Solar panel systems actually function as investments with strong rates of return, and homeowners generating solar electricity can avoid paying increased utility rates by eliminating their electricity bills. Multiple studies show that installing solar panels on your home can even increase your property’s value! If you’re reviewing multiple quotes, there are plenty of metrics that can help you make a decision about which solar option is best for you, but most solar shoppers rely on one metric in particular: the solar panel payback period or break-even point.

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First-time homebuyer? Why solar should be your next big investment

If you just purchased your first home, first of all, congratulations! Buying a home is no small feat and immediately planning your home’s upgrades may feel overwhelming–but we’re here to help! When it comes to solar, we think it’s a great upgrade for first-time homebuyers because solar saves you money in the long run and increases your home value. We’ve laid out some key questions to answer when making the decision to go solar as a first-time homebuyer.

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Heating and cooling degree days

Degree days are a way to measure how warm or cold a region is. When it comes to energy, knowing about the heating degree days or cooling degree days your location experiences can help you understand how much energy you might need to use for home climate systems. In this article, we take a look at both cooling degree days and heating degree days and their impact on your energy use, plus potential ways to shift your behavior based on the degree days in your region.

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