Tag Archives: sunrun

Solar panels for sale: where to buy solar panels

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to finding the best place to buy solar panels. Where you buy your solar panels from or who you decide to contract with for installation will depend on your personal preferences, how you want to finance the system, and the type of system you want to install. In this article, we’ll evaluate several options for buying solar panel systems, including:

  • Wholesale resellers
  • Large national installation companies
  • Amazon solar kits
  • EnergySage Marketplace
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How are solar companies making it easier to go solar during the COVID pandemic?

Investing in solar is a big financial decision no matter the state of the economy. As everyone around the country (and the world) grapple with the ongoing health and economic impacts of the novel coronavirus pandemic, the question of whether it’s the right time to go solar has become harder to answer financially for many homeowners. With that in mind, a number of solar companies throughout the country introduced new programs to help make paying for solar easier for people who install solar today. 

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The Vivint + LG Chem home energy storage system: what you need to know

Nationwide, one-in-three solar shoppers are interested in home energy storage solutions. Within the EnergySage Solar Marketplace, this percentage is even higher: nearly three-quarters of all consumers indicate they are interested in receiving solar quotes that include energy storage. To meet this demand, a few national solar installation companies have partnered with energy storage manufacturing companies to exclusively offer their batteries to solar shoppers. One such example is the partnership between Vivint Solar and LG Chem.

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Cancelling a solar lease contract

If you were to ask your neighbor who installed solar five years ago about how they financed the system, it’s likely that they’re leasing their solar panels from a large, national solar provider like Vivint or SunRun. It was only recently that solar ownership options – either buying the system with cash upfront or financing through a loan – became the more popular option for homeowners investing in new solar panel systems.

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Compare the top solar lease companies: Sunrun vs SolarCity, Vivint, SunPower & Clean Power Finance

Who are the top solar leasing companies in the country, and how do they differ in structure and business model? This article aims to answer these questions, examining some of the biggest solar lease providers in the US – SolarCity, Vivint SolarSunrun,  SunPower and Clean Power Finance.

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Sunrun solar reviews: what are America’s homeowners saying about its top installer?

With Tesla Energy and SolarCity in a transition phase due to the ongoing merger between the two companies, a new solar behemoth has taken the reigns as America’s top installer. Sunrun now installs more solar systems than any other company in the United States. With a new focus being given to this California installer, we thought it would be appropriate to review the firm and offer our take to help consumers assess Sunrun in depth when comparing them to other U.S. installers – many of which provide competing solar quotes on the EnergySage Solar Marketplace.

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Comcast & solar: Sunrun partnership explained

As the cost of solar continues to fall and the financial and environmental benefits of solar PV grow, more organizations are collaborating to provide reasonably priced solar options to homeowners. For example, National Grid recently announced that it is partnering with EnergySage to offer a solar marketplace option to its Rhode Island customers. Recently, Comcast also announced a partnership: the cable company will offer a discounted solar option to its customers through an exclusive partnership with Sunrun. Find out more about what the Comcast solar offer means for you.

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Understanding your Sunrun solar lease, PPA and solar contract agreement

Sunrun is one of the largest solar installation companies in the country and has partnerships with organizations like Comcast, Major League Baseball, and Costco. The company primarily offers solar leases and power purchase agreements (PPAs) to homeowners, although there are also cash purchase and solar loan options. Are you considering a lease or PPA offer from Sunrun? Before you sign on the dotted line, review EnergySage’s guide to evaluating your Sunrun offer.

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