Tag Archives: winter solar

The best EnergySage videos of 2018

Have you ever had a question about solar, but didn’t have the time to search for an answer? Throughout 2018, we created a number of short animated videos so that you can find answers to the most common questions about solar with the quick click of a button.

We’ve covered a range of topics so far – from understanding the costs included in a solar quote to how the solar tax credit works, and much more in between. Here are just some of our favorite videos from 2018.

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Do solar panels work in the winter? Solar snow performance explained

Memories of cold, snowy winters past can be discouraging even for the hardiest homeowner. If you’re considering going solar, you might be wondering whether solar panels and snow are a bad combination. On the contrary, EnergySage marketplace data has indicated that solar shoppers can often find the lowest quotes during winter months when competition is reduced. After all, if you look at solar as an investment, then it should be able to generate returns throughout the year as other investments do. Luckily, plenty of people have both solar panels and snow, and some of the most popular regions in the U.S. for solar have snowy winters. Don’t let winter weather discourage you from going solar!

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Should you install solar panel snow guards?

When you install rooftop solar you save thousands on your electric bill, but if you live somewhere that gets lots of snow in the winter, you may also be at risk for a winter-specific side effect. Sometimes, large amounts of snow will slide off your solar panels all at once, which can damage your property. In this article, we will discuss solar snow guards, what they do, and why you might want to ask your solar installer to include them in your solar array.

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